B2B The Branding Advantage

Business to Business (B2B) marketing has long been lauded as the poor relation to Direct to Consumer (D2C) marketing.  With too much emphasis on rational, product led messages focused on selling. B2B marketing is often ineffective because of the tendency to underplay the power of brand building on buying decisions.

There is a quiet revolution at play, as more B2B brands lean into the power of branding. Infact 89% of B2B marketers say building brand awareness is the most important goal in their marketing strategy (source). Today, we're taking you on a journey into the heart of this transformation and why it's reshaping the way B2B deals are won.

The Magic of Being Remembered

Prepare to be astonished: a staggering 80% of B2B deals are won by businesses already known to decision-makers. This eye-popping statistic is grounded in research by Bain and Google . So if the decision maker has not heard of you- your chances of winning a deal are just 1 in 5. This fact alone highlights the need to focus on building your brand awareness.

The 80% Game-Changer

Brands that prioritise building strong, memorable identities enjoy the distinction of being front-of-mind for potential clients. When your brand is known and trusted you become the first choice every time. Decision-makers actively seek out brands they know, giving those who have invested in their brand a huge competitive edge.

The Shocking 13-Touchpoint Average

The B2B buying journey has become more complex than ever, with the average B2B purchase decision involving a staggering 13 pieces of content (Marctech). B2B brands must tell captivating stories consistently. When your content delivers valuable and relevant content, you establish credibility and drive decision-making.

Solve, Serve, Succeed

The key to building a successful B2B brand is dependent on a strong brand strategy focusing on the distinct pain points you relieve for your clients. A brand strategist can help you uncover your unique position in the market and create a framework of key messages that resonate with your audience. So that you build a brand that is credible, useful, and shows up in times of need.

Join the Revolution

The key to B2B marketing success is the power of a well-crafted brand narrative that builds strong connections with your customers. To achieve this, consider enlisting the help of a seasoned brand strategist, a B2B brand consultant, or a dedicated partner. The growth of your business depends on it.

If you need help creating a distinct brand narrative that gets you noticed please get in touch.

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